Side Window Lock Retainer

About this product

The Side Window Lock Retainer (#62793-95704), a crucial Body part in Toyota's Side Window system, firmly holds the lock mechanism in place while the vehicle is in motion. It serves as a fundamental part in maintaining the lock's overall stability and operation. This part works in conjunction with the window lock, helping the system maintain a secure and safe environment within the vehicle. Over time and use, the Side Window Lock Retainer (#62793-95704) can wear or break, potentially causing the window lock to malfunction. This can lead to safety and security concerns. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is advised for optimal vehicle compatibility. These authentic parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Side Window Lock Retainer (#62793-95704) not only secures the window lock but also contributes to the safety and efficiency of the entire window system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 62793-95A01;62793-95A00
Part Number 62793-95704

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